Dibawakan oleh Dewangga B Alam selaku Information Security Co-Trainer di APNIC, dan Fietyata Yudha selaku staf UII. Topik security merupakan pilihan utama peserta workshop di tahun 2019 sebagai topik yang paling ingin dibahas di workshop selanjutnya, dan IDNIC merealisasikan hal ini di tahun 2020. Kelas ini akan membahas materi fundamental dan pentingnya network security. Peserta diharapkan untuk aktif sharing sehingga diskusi lebih hidup dan bisa membahas real case studies yang terkini.
Target Audience:
Anyone interested in understanding issues with security awareness and practising good hygiene.
This workshop is not an introduction – It is assumed that the workshop participants have a working knowledge Linux fundamental, along with know how to use command line interface. The lab exercises use Kali Linux.
Other requirements:
Hardware: It is highly recommended that participants laptop computers have WiFi(b/g/n) and administrative access to system to practice the lessons learned during the workshops.
Software requirements: SSH Client, Telnet Client (PuTTY) for Windows, Wireshark
Mengikuti Webinar
Security Fundamentals; Network Protocol
Risk, Vulnerabilities, Threats and Assets; Attack and Defense; CIA
Security Policies; Information Gathering; Network Scanning Tools
Cryptography; Digital Signature; Securing Transmission